10.5來場老派City Pop都市漫遊🏙️
Japanese city pop band, THREE1989, is coming to Taipei for their first solo concert on Oct. 5!
9.10 (TUE)中午12點 #KKTIX、#全家FamiPort 復古開賣📸
【THREE1989 Live in Taipei】
🎞️ 時間Time:2024/10/5 (SAT) 19:00
🎞️ 地點Venue:CLAPPER STUDIO (三創生活園區5F)
🎞️ 票價Price:NT$2,200 (全站席 All standing)
🎞️ 開賣日期On-sale Date:2024/9/10 (TUE) 12PM 復古開賣
🎞️ 售票平台Ticketing:KKTIX & 全家 FamiPort 機台
🎞️ 主辦單位Promoter:B’in Live Entertainment
* 請務必於門票開賣前24小時加入並完成KKTIX會員「手機號碼」及「電子郵件地址」驗證。
* 全區站席無序號,請依現場工作人員指示排隊入場。
* 為人身安全考量,孕婦及身高未滿110公分或未滿7歲孩童,請勿購買站席票券,主辦單位將有權謝絕入場。
* 以上實際時間,依主辦單位官方社群及現場公告為準。
* 請務必於演出日前關注主辦單位B’in Live Ent. FB、IG帳號 (@enterbinlive),詳閱報到、入場時間流程及相關規範,以免損害自身權益。
* 主辦單位保有修改、終止、變更本活動之權利。
Please register and verify your “cell phone number” and “e-mail account” on KKTIX 24 hours before the on-sale time.
This show is all standing with no queueing number. Please follow onsite staff instructions for entry.
For safety measures, pregnant women, and children under 110cm or under 7 years old are prohibited to enter GA area.
The actual performance time is based on on-site situations.
Please be sure to visit B’in Live Ent. official Facebook and Instagram for entry notice before show day.
The promoter B’in Live Entertainment reserves the right to change these terms & conditions at any time.
本公演における入場方法等の詳細情報は、公演前に主催者B’in Live Ent. 公式Facebook及びInstagram (@enterbinlive)にて告知いたします。上記SNSを必ずご確認ください。